In 2010, more than 4 million tourists and holidaymakers visited the Dominican Republic, the majority (54%) of which came from the United States and Canada. This may seem like an impressive number of visitors, but it is derisory compared to other island destinations around the world. The reason is probably that in the field of travel advertising, people just do not hear about it. For the uninitiated, here is a list of 20 reasons to vacation in the Dominican Republic.
1. The weather!
As it is located in the Caribbean, the climate of the Dominican Republic is essentially tropical. In summer, the temperature reaches about 32 ° C and the average daily temperature is 25.8 ° C (78 ° F), with about 6.3 hours of sun per day.
2. It has great beaches!
The Dominican Republic has nearly 1,000 km of coastline on its northern, eastern and southern borders, a third of which is made up of some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Most of these beaches are pristine oases of white and shiny sand, because of the high coral and shellfish content, lined with tall, shady palm trees and offset by crystal clear waters. The beaches are not only beautiful and relaxing, but the water temperature is constant between 28 and 30 degrees Celsius most of the year, which makes swimming an added pleasure.
3. It has great hotels and resorts!
In addition to a wide range of fantastic hotels, the Dominican Republic is the undisputed Caribbean leader in all-inclusive resorts, with more than two dozen all-inclusive resorts ranging from budget to luxury today. These resorts are located in breathtaking locations and offer world-class facilities including golf resorts, spas, weddings, and water sports.
4. The food is amazing!
The Dominican Republic has an excellent reputation for its varied and tasty food. The local cuisine is unique and delicious and, as a culture, Dominicans love to eat. Vacationers will find many dining options, ranging from luxurious restaurants to gourmet menus to casual street cafes, all of which offer an appetizing range of dishes including Oriental, Mexican, Mediterranean, Italian and of course Creole dishes. You will certainly not be hungry!
5. It’s a good place to bring kids!
In addition to the beautiful weather, beautiful beaches, an excellent choice of accommodation and delicious food, the Dominican Republic offers a wide range of fun activities for children. In addition to a full range of water sports, including surfing, kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing, diving, and sailing, you can also go horse riding, karting and mountain biking. In addition to this, the Trampoline Museum, Children’s Library, National Aquarium, National Zoo, National Botanical Gardens, Waterslide Park and Las Canquiñas Children’s Park are sure to entertain the little ones.
6. It’s a fantastic place to get married!
Given its climate and breathtaking location, the Dominican Republic is a fantastic place to get married. Many resorts offer full wedding packages and dedicated coordinators who arrange the wedding for you. The Dominican Republic is, of course, a fantastic place for a honeymoon and just think of what these wedding photos will look like, especially in the context of a pristine white sand beach!
7. This is a great place for a golf vacation!
If you love golf, then you’ll love playing golf in the Dominican Republic because it contains 28 world-class courses designed by game legends such as Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, Nick Faldo, Nick Price, and Greg Norman. Nine of the country’s golf courses are on Golfweek’s 2010 Top 50 List of the Caribbean and Latin American Golf Courses. Notably, because of the breathtaking coastline, the green alleyways and the magnificent views of nature make these courses a pleasure to play.
8. There is n? b?tt?r ?l??? f?r an ???l?g???l adventure!
The Dominican R??ubl?? h?? no f?w?r th?n n?n? d??t?n?t ???l?g???l z?n??. This n?tur?l d?v?r??t? allows ??u t? l?v? ?n ?xtr?m?l? d?v?r?? ecological adventure ?n a b??ut?ful island. C?nt??n?ng th? highest ?nd l?w??t points ?b?v? ?nd below ??? l?v?l in th? C?r?bb??n, the D?m?n???n Republic maintains v?rtu?ll? all forms ?f n?tur?. From lush tr?????l rainforests t? arid d???rt?, ???h region ?ff?r? a w?d? r?ng? ?f d??t?n?t activities. Pl???? l?k? Jarabacoa ?nd Constanza ?ff?r ????rtun?t??? f?r ?l?mb?ng, h?k?ng, horseback riding, ?nd rafting, while Pedernales, Bahoruco, Bani, Azua, ?nd Barahona reveal un????l?d b???h??, g??l?g???l formations, l?g??n?, d???rt?, ?nd rivers. dunes. In C?b?r?t? ?nd S?m?ná, ?n th? n?rth-???t ????t near Puerto Plata, you ??n ?nj?? deep d?v?ng, windsurfing, kite-boarding, j??? ??f?r??, waterfalls, ?nd even hum?b??k wh?l??. Wh?l? ?ll ?r?und th? ??l?nd, ??u can ?dm?r? ?v?r 5,000 d?ff?r?nt ?l?nt ???????, 254 b?rd ??????? ?nd 1,411 ??????? ?f r??t?l??, m?n? ?f which are endangered ?r are ??m?l? n?t f?und ?n?wh?r? else in th? w?rld. If ???l?g???l ?nd ?dv?ntur? t?ur??m suits ??u, the D?m?n???n R??ubl?? ?? d?f?n?t?l? f?r you.
9. Y?u will l?v? w?t?r ???rt?!
Surrounded b? warm w?t?r? ?nd breathtaking v??w?, the D?m?n???n R??ubl?? is a h?t???t for water ???rt?. Attr??t?ng r?g?tt?? fr?m ?r?und th? world, such ?? th? W?rld Cu? b?f?r? th? R.?rr.l.?.x F?rr 40 of A?r?l 2010 and the World Sailing Ch?m???n?h?? at th? C??? de C?m?? M?r?n?, ???l?ng ?? extremely ???ul?r. In ?dd?t??n to h??t?ng th? World Cu? w?nd?urf?ng ?v?nt, C?b?r?t? B???h ?? also ??n??d?r?d the “world ????t?l ?f k?t??urf?ng”, as its ??rf??t ??mb?n?t??n ?f b???h??, winds ?nd w?v?? ?r??t? the ??t?m?l ??nd?t??n? f?r practicing th? sport. ???rt. Of course, ?urf?ng is ?n extremely ???ul?r ??t?v?t? and there ?r? 16 fantastic ?urf?ng sites l???t?d ?n the north ????t ?f Pu?rt? Pl?t? ?n Pl??? Gr?nd? ?nd R?? S?n Juan, w?th ?l????? or standard w?v?? r???h?ng over 4 m?t?r? h?gh during D???mb?r t? March. D?v?ng is ?l?? a major attraction ?nd with 1,000 m?l?? ?f coastline h?u??ng ??r?l reefs, ??v??, wr??k?, and br?ll??ntl? ??v?r?d f??h ?nd w?ldl?f?, th? D?m?n???n R??ubl?? ?? ?l?? kn?wn t? be ?n? ?f th? b??t ?l???? t? snorkel ?r dive thr?ugh?ut th? Caribbean. If ??u like w?t?r ???rt?, whether t? w?t?h ?r t? ??rt?????t?, the D?m?n???n R??ubl?? is a ?l??? ??u simply n??d t? visit.
10. It h?? w?rld ?l??? f??h?ng!
The D?m?n???n R??ubl?? ?? a w?rld-?l??? destination for fishing. F?r years, th?? l?g?nd?r? d??t?n?t??n for ?ngl?r? has h??t?d several ?nt?rn?t??n?l t?urn?m?nt? ?u?h ?? the Blue M?rl?n f??h?ng tournament ?n C?b?z? d? T?r?, th? ESPN Billfish Xtreme t?urn?m?nt ?t Punt? Cana R???rt & Club ?nd th? n?w B?llf??h Shootout international t?urn?m?nt. in Cape C?n?. M?r?n?, th? l?rg??t Caribbean m?r?n?. If you l?k? f??h?ng, th?n ?t’? in th? D?m?n???n Republic!